Made the trip down to Florence by train last week. Was interesting to see the countryside change on the way... Felt a bit like driving from Oregon (lush and green) to California (dry and hilly) on the 5.
Without further ado, some final observations from Florence:
* TONS of tourists. Many more are American than elsewhere in Europe
* harder to tire of the local cuisine here than in Germany. Yum
* they love them some Jesus here
* gives Prague a run for it's money in wow-factor
* I've started seeing homeless people
* trains/buses aren't as effective here
* people are a bit more rude/pushy - not sure if it's the locals or the tourists
* academia was amazing. Michaelangelo's sculptures make me want to start messing around with clay. Maplethorpe photos exhibited alongside really added to the experience, too
* took too many pictures. Will post when home