Monday, July 20, 2009

Travel tip: leave the laptop at home

Was really pleased with my ability to travel light over the past few months. It made such a difference in my quality of life on the road. One key decision was to leave my laptop at home and rely on Internet cafes and my iPhone.

In fact, 90% of my blog posts were done from my iPhone! Using an app called Blogpress, I was able to post directly to my blog service, embed photos, etc. Of course blogger also let's you email in blog posts but you have less control of formatting and it doesn't seem to address the need to edit existing posts. Typing in the iPhone is a bit of a pain but it encourages you to keep your posts concise ... Which is a good thing!

As the camera on the iPhone improves it will also be viable to leave your digital camera at home, as well. I found myself leaving the camera in the hotel. The iPhone benefits from always being with you. I know the quality isn't as high, but my favorite shots from the trip were on it.

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

  1. :) I've definitely emailed posts into my blog. It's funny as they always end with "Sent from my Verizon Wireless Blackberry."

    Thanks for keeping us updated!!
