Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Out with a bang

Feeling a bit better today after a couple of quiet days. I'm flying back stateside this afternoon... Hopefully the 3 weeks in Asia has prepared me somewhat for playing soccer in the 100 degree heat in vegas this weekend. Just over a flu, jetlagged, not much exercise in 3 weeks... Should be a hoot.

In other news, I did make it to the shooting range before I left Cambodia. My first effort wasn't terrific... Only managed to nail my target in the shoulder despite firing off 50 rounds with an automatic weapon. Note to self, probably best not to start your first target practice with an Uzi. Rifle definitely would have been a better value.

Sorry this is the only photo I got... Somehow seemed kinda lame to ask those military dudes to snap a picture of me holding my gun. What is this guy wearing, anyway? Don't bring your pillbox hat and wifebeater tshirt to the firing range, hombre!


  1. Hunter Thompson would be proud of you... However, I vote for the elephant ride close up, even if it is a tad republican

  2. hahahaha! 'hombre.' Also, Bob is hilarious!
